INDEX of surnames (with variant spellings).

Most people who are searching for a surname, and who have no previous knowledge of this website, will land on this page. From here you should go to the home page to see if we can help you further.

This is a fairly complete (95%+) list of surnames in the regions around Dubrovnik, Croatia. It also contains variations on the spellings of Slavic surnames. These variants are of two types: 1.) surnames of diaspora as they are spelled today; and 2.) spellings that have been found in past records, such as censuses, vital records (birth, marriage, death), obituaries, citizenship applications, etc. To amend or add to this list, please .

Many diaspora have no idea how the original surname was spelled. All they know is how they spell it right now. And that’s what they put into the search box when they are searching. And that’s why we include variant spellings of surnames, as we find them.